A Box of Ten Photographs
Scholar Presentation
In conjunction with the Annual Review Santa Fe Photo Festival, October 17 – 20, 2019. John Jacob, Curator at the Smithsonian American Art Museum, presents A Box of Ten Photographs: The Odyssey of Diane Arbus.
In late 1969, Diane Arbus began to work on a portfolio. A the time of her death in 1971, she had completed the printing for eight known sets of A Box of Ten Photographs, of a planned edition of fifty, only four of which she sold during her lifetime. This presentation draws on my research for Diane Arbus: A Box of Ten Photographs, the first exhibition to focus exclusively on the portfolio. Using the recorded voices of those who knew and worked with her, it tracks the evolution of an Arbus canon grounded in her work on the portfolio; the solidification of that canon as a consequence of her untimely death; and the emergence of discourse as institutions sought to accommodate and respond to its challenges. Considered in relation to the portfolio, the odyssey of Diane Arbus is the odyssey of photography itself — of a filed and its language. Bridging Arbus’s career with that of photography as we know it was the portfolio, A Box of Ten Photographs.
WHEN • October 20, 2019, 11 AM
WHERE • Drury Plaza Hotel Ballroom – 828 Paseo De Peralta, Santa Fe, NM 87501
HOW • Free and Public
© Stephen A. Frank
JOHN JACOB was previously Director of the Inge Morath Foundation, and manager of its annual Inge Morath Award, as well as Program Director at the Magnum Foundation, where he developed archival projects for its Legacy Program. His recent exhibitions at the Smithsonian include Trevor Paglen: Sites Unseen and Diane Arbus: A Box of Ten Photographs.
Thank you to our underwriters. Below is a current list to date:
Viewfinders • $5,000
Gay Block
Howard Greenberg
Jeanne & Michael Klein
Marlene Meyerson -
Platinum • $2,500
Joan and Stanford Alexander
Joanna T. Hurley
Wade Wilson -
Palladium • $1,000
Reid Callanan, Santa Fe Photographic Workshops
Laurence Miller Gallery
Fraenkel Gallery
Sharon Stewart
Verve Gallery of Photography -
Silver • $500
Eve R. France
Joan Morgenstern
Edward Osowski
Andrew Smith Gallery
Radius Books