© Tom Turner

Support CENTER

CENTER is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization that relies on your support to make our annual programs and events accessible to as many photographers and lens-based artists as possible.

Your donation in any amount is welcome and helps to keep our programs accessible to photographers of all income levels. Your contributions to CENTER are tax-deductible.

Please donate by sending a check to CENTER Santa Fe (P.O. Box 8372, Santa Fe, NM, 87504) or donate below via credit card or PayPal.

EIN 85-0428041
2023 990

CENTER Initiatives

Supporting our new space in Santa Fe or our annual programs fund which allows us to do more for our members, mentees, volunteers, alumni, and special friends. Thank you for your vital support!

  • The CENTER Space

    CENTER is eager to share with you our new exhibition space and education center in Santa Fe, NM. Help us open the doors!

  • Annual Programs Fund

    Supports the Awards, Project Grants, Review Santa Fe, Mentorship, Seminars, and all other events hosted by CENTER.

  • Your Time & Expertise

    Work with CENTER as a Mentor, Volunteer, or Ambassador in Santa Fe, NM.

Images - © Rachel Cox; © Cody Cobb, © Sofía Jaramillo

Photographer’s Scholarship Fund

Contribute to our photographic community by donating to the Review Santa Fe Photographer’s Scholarship Fund. Scholarships are allocated to those who have been juried into Review Santa Fe but are unable to attend without financial support.

$1-$399 • Partial scholarship
$400 • Half scholarship
$800 • Full scholarship
$1500 • Full scholarship, travel, and accommodations

Images - © Kali Spitzer; © Alejandro Cartagena; © Jerry Takigawa; © Soomin Ham

Blue Earth Fiscal Sponsorships

  • Coming of Age by Mark Leong

    “In 1980, fearing the effects of overpopulation in what was already the world’s largest country, China implemented law limiting couples to a single child. This was arguably history’s biggest social experiment.”

  • Ek Khaale by Greg Constantine

    “Working with Rohingya youth and Rohingya elders, the project seeks out historical visual materials that Rohingya have miraculously preserved, secretly held on to all these years (often at great personal risk) or have salvaged and carried with them under the most unimaginable circumstances.”

  • Our Warming World by Daniel Beltrá

    “By bringing images from remote locations where human and business interests and nature are at odds, the work aims to instill a deeper appreciation for nature and an understanding of the precarious balance our lifestyle has placed on the planet.”

  • Palawan Seas by Katherine Jack

    “Palawan is rapidly developing; with just 35,000 inhabitants at the turn of the twentieth century, it is now home to over a million people and a growing number of environmental groups working on the conservation and rehabilitation of marine and coastal ecosystems.”

  • Seven Doors by Greg Constantine

    “Exploring how governments are increasingly using detention as a significant component of immigration and asylum policy, exposing the impact, trauma, and human cost detention has on asylum seekers, refugees, stateless people, and migrants around the world.

Fiscal Sponsorships

  • The Long Reach by Caroline Gutman

    “Amid the intensity of pollution, the current hydraulic dam politics, and the effects of both on local communities, the Susquehanna deserves a much closer look.”

  • Living with Conviction by Deborah Espinosa

    “Through recorded interviews and photoshoots, formerly incarcerated individuals share what it’s like for them and their families to try to survive and thrive under court-imposed legal debt.”

  • Kurt Markus Scholarship Fund

    The Kurt Markus Family and Santa Fe Workshops are pleased to continue Kurt’s legacy as a role model for photographers by awarding an annual scholarship in his name.

Support CENTER

© Sofía Jaramillo