CENTER Policies
Image © Wendell White
CENTER is dedicated to an open, inclusive, and supportive environment for all its patrons, staff, and volunteers. This policy describes our expectations as we work together to maintain a respectful environment, free from discrimination, harassment, and retaliation.
Respectful, professional conduct promotes productivity, minimizes disputes, and is consistent with our purpose and values.
Scope and Applicability
This policy applies to all patrons, staff, Board members, volunteers, and anyone else at CENTER programs and sponsored events including Review Santa Fe, or offsite in any interaction between CENTER employees, patrons, board members, volunteers, contractors, artists, alumni, or vendors. Further, we do not tolerate harassment of employees by non-employees, and we do not tolerate harassment of non-employees by employees.
Prohibited Conduct
CENTER does not permit discrimination or harassment of any kind based on an individual's:
Religion (including religious dress and grooming practices)
Sex (including pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, or related medical conditions)
Gender, gender identity, or gender expression
National origin (including language use restrictions)
Disability (physical and mental, including HIV and AIDS)
Legally protected medical condition (genetic characteristics, cancer, or a record or history of cancer)
Genetic information
Marital status
Sexual orientation
Veteran status (disabled veterans, recently separated veterans, active duty wartime or campaign badge veterans, Armed Forces service medal veterans)
Military status
Citizenship status
Or any other status that is protected by law.
Any discriminatory or unwelcome physical conduct and or actions, including any communications, either verbal or written, directed at an individual because of his or her protected, status is prohibited.
Examples of unwelcome conduct prohibited by this policy include but are not limited to:
Negative stereotyping
Intimidating acts
Circulating or posting written or graphic materials that show hostility toward individuals because of their protected status
Any complaint of conduct inconsistent with this policy will be taken seriously and investigated promptly. Anyone with any information relating to improper conduct under this policy should report that information immediately to the Executive Director and/or any member of the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors. Retaliation against anyone involved in reporting prohibited conduct or the investigation of a complaint will not be tolerated.
Even if the inappropriate conduct is not unlawful, it may still violate this policy and might result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.
Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment is illegal in most cities in the United States. CENTER takes sexual harassment very seriously, and it will not be tolerated. This policy prohibits harassment based on sex or gender, regardless of whether the offensive conduct is sexual in nature. Any unwelcome conduct based on sex or gender is also prohibited by this policy regardless of whether the individual engaged in harassment and the individual being harassed is of the same or different sex.
Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, physical, or visual conduct based on sex may constitute unlawful sexual harassment when:
Submission to such conduct becomes an implicit or explicit term or condition of employment
Submission to or rejection of the conduct is used as the basis for any employment decision or
The conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working and learning environment.
Examples of sex or gender-based harassment prohibited by this policy include, but are not limited to:
Offensive sex-oriented verbal kidding, teasing, or jokes
Repeated unwanted sexual flirtations, advances, or propositions
Continued or repeated verbal abuse based on gender
Graphic or degrading comments about individual appearance or sexual activity
Offensive visual conduct, including leering, making sexual gestures, the display of offensive sexually suggestive objects or pictures, cartoons or posters
Unwelcome pressure for sexual activity
Offensively suggestive or obscene letters, notes, or invitations
Offensive physical contact, such as patting, grabbing, pinching, or brushing against another's body
Sexual harassment can occur when a relationship that was once consensual but later changes, making the conduct no longer welcome.
Even when the unwelcome conduct is not severe or pervasive enough to constitute unlawful harassment, CENTER forbids such conduct.
Freedom of Expression
Expansive and provocative discussion and presentation of artistic works are fundamental to CENTER’s mission, and the prohibited conduct and sexual harassment policy is not intended to limit this freedom. However, prohibited harassment is neither legally protected expression nor the proper exercise of academic freedom. It compromises the integrity of CENTER, its tradition of intellectual freedom, and the trust placed in its members.
Reporting Complaints
Employees, patrons, volunteers, or anyone else who believes that they have experienced or witnessed any conduct inconsistent with this policy should immediately notify the Executive Director and/or any member of the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors.
CENTER emphasizes that an employee or anyone else who has witnessed or experienced conduct inconsistent with this policy is not required to report the conduct to anyone who has engaged in the prohibited conduct.
Employee Responsibilities
Everyone at CENTER is responsible for helping to keep our workplace free from prohibited discrimination or harassment. Everyone is expected to avoid any behavior or conduct that could reasonably be interpreted as prohibited discrimination or harassment under this policy. It is each individual’s voluntary choice whether or not to inform the person whose conduct they find unwelcome. However, informing the person does not relieve the individual of the need to report the conduct to CENTER. If an employee notifies the offender, the employee should still report the situation in accordance with the reporting procedure set forth in this policy.
Organization Response
All complaints describing conduct that is inconsistent with this policy will be investigated promptly. The complainant will be informed of the outcome of the investigation in a timely manner. Based upon the findings of the investigation, CENTER will take further appropriate action to address violations of this policy. CENTER also might conclude, depending on the investigation, either that no violation of policy occurred or that CENTER cannot conclude whether or not a violation occurred.
If an investigation reveals that a violation of this policy or other inappropriate conduct has occurred, the CENTER will take corrective action, including disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment, as is appropriate under the circumstances. CENTER may discipline an employee for any inappropriate conduct discovered in the course of investigating any complaints made under this policy, regardless of whether the conduct amounts to a violation of law or even a violation of this policy. If the person who engaged in inappropriate conduct is not employed by CENTER, then CENTER will take whatever corrective action is reasonable and appropriate under the circumstances.
Policy Against Retaliation
Retaliation for reporting sexual harassment is illegal. CENTER prohibits anyone from treating any employee, former employee, student, volunteer, applicant, or any person who provides services to or receives services from CENTER adversely for reporting harassment or discrimination, for assisting anyone in making a report, for cooperating in a harassment or discrimination investigation, for filing an administrative claim with the EEOC or state or local government agency, or for cooperating in any government investigation. Anyone who experiences or witnesses any conduct they believe to be retaliatory should immediately follow the reporting procedures stated above.
In investigating complaints and taking any corrective action for conduct inconsistent with this policy, CENTER will attempt to preserve confidentiality to the extent that the needs of the situation permit.
Please email us at programs@centersantafe.org if you have any questions or concerns.