Art & Oppression

“Narcissus of Violence”, Pastel on Silver Gelatin Print © Kelly Eckel

CENTER and the Marion Center for Photographic Arts present the Art & Oppression exhibition open at Santa Fe University of Art & Design on Saturday, June 10, 2017, from 6 – 8pm and continues through September 15, 2017.

CENTER invites the public to join us for a presentation and discussion on Art, Oppression & Activism with Mother Jones Photo Editor Mark Murrmann, photographer and activist Dorie Hagler with the Chair of the Department of Photographs at Marion Center for Photographic Arts Tony O’Brien as moderator.

Art & Oppression Artists:
Francis Baker, Tama Baldwin, Wes Bell, Evalyn Bemis, Lynne Buchanan, Kathleen Clark, Marcus Desieno, Kelly Eckel, Pete Eckert, Kellye Eisworth, Joan Fitzsimmons, The Furies: Patti Levey, Lauren Ayer, Kristin Barendsen, Patricia Galagan, Dan Gemkow, Manuel and Oscar Gil, Megan Jacobs, Ellen Jantzen, Marsha Lane Foster, Pilar Law, Patti Levey, Marilyn Maxwell, Danny McCarty, Calli P. McCaw, Carl Moore, Karen Novotny, Paul Rider, Ashok Sinha, Kerry Skarbakka, Jane Szabo, Jerry Takigawa and Claire A. Warden

WHEN • June 10 – September 15, 2017

WHERE • SFUAD Marion Center for Photographic Arts – 1600 St. Michaels Drive, Santa Fe

HOW • Free and Public

GALLERY HOURS • Open Monday – Friday, 9am - 5pm

OPENING RECEPTION • Saturday, June 10, 2017, 6 - 8pm