Annual Fundraiser Archive

Thank you to everyone who has donated to support our future years, programs, and events. Each year we discuss new ways we can provide for and excel in your photographic and lens-based career. Join us in our donating efforts to plan for CENTER’s future!

Donations are currently closed for the 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, and 2018 campaigns. Details and links to each campaign page are below.

2024 CAMPAIGN • Details about how to donate for the 2024 campaign are forthcoming. Thanks for checking back!

HOW IT WORKS • Our first thousand(s) dollars in donations will be made possible by matches from our generous benefactors. Don’t miss this opportunity to magnify your support during our annual 24-hour matching fundraiser.

DONATE • Please contact us if you are interested in being a matching donor.

DECEMBER 13-14, 2023 • #30YearsofCENTER

For 30 years, CENTER has supported projects that connect us through the global language of visual storytelling. Photographic imagery highlights our shared humanity by communicating across cultures and generations, shaping our collective memory, and inspiring us to learn more about the world in which we live.

Through the lens, we are able to bear witness to critical environmental and social issues and make meaning of our lived experiences. A gift to CENTER provides support to the visual artists, researchers, and storytellers of our times. CENTER is building programs for the new year. As we celebrate our 30-year anniversary in 2024, we turn to our photo community for your help in co-creating a memorable year.

Our goal is to raise $25,000 and for 36 hours, your donations will be tripled ($25 = $75). Contribute to the next chapter of CENTER! Your donation allows CENTER to make a difference and help to advance social and environmental projects.

NEW IN 2023 –
• THE DEMOCRATIC LENS: Photography & Civic Engagement discussion series –
• BLUE EARTH FISCAL SPONSORSHIP – providing project support for grants and tax-deductible donations
• JAY & SUSIE TYRRELL EXCELLENCE IN WORKS BY HAND AWARD – $2,500 for a Review Santa Fe selected project

Thank you for your vital support! • View the Success!

DECEMBER 13-14, 2022 • #ExpandYourCircle

ADVANCING THE PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTS FOR OVER 28 YEARS, CENTER in Santa Fe, New Mexico, supports socially and environmentally engaged lens-based projects through education, public platforms, funding, and partnerships. Through our advancement of artists and their work, CENTER serves to deepen public understandings of lens-based media’s complex history and ongoing cultural significance.

Image-making holds a unique power to confront audiences with uncomfortable truths, advance cultural understandings, and promote social justice. By establishing trans-disciplinary partnerships between artists and justice drive communicates, historians, cultural critics, students, and the art world, we honor our unique role in advancing projects that respect all people, open minds, and engage our shared community.

Your help allows CENTER to make a difference in the life of social and environmental initiatives and the communities they engage and benefit.

ANNUAL PROGRAMS INCLUDE • Project Development Grant, Project Launch Grant, me&EVE Grant, Callanan Excellence in Teaching Award, the CENTER Awards, Excellence in Multimedia Storytelling Award, and the Review Santa Fe Photo Symposium.

Join us as we partner with Charidy to raise $30,000 for CENTER’s future. For only ONE day, your gifts are tripled by our Benefactors, Reviewers, Board Members, and CENTER Special Friends. Save the date on December 14 to contribute to CENTER’s evolution! Donations are being accepted for only 24 hours. View the Success!

DECEMBER 9-10, 2021 • #ExpandingPerspectives

Advancing the Photographic Arts for over 27 years, CENTER Santa Fe supports socially and environmentally engaged lens-based projects through education, public platforms, funding, and partnerships. Through our advancement of artists and their work, CENTER serves to deepen public understandings of lens-based media’s complex history and ongoing cultural significance.

Your help allows CENTER to make a difference in the life of the project and the careers of photographers, educators, and students.

Join us on December 9, 2021, as we partner with Charidy to raise $30,000 for CENTER’s future. For only two days, your gift will be quadrupled by our Benefactors, Reviewers, Board Members, and Special CENTER Friends. Save the date to contribute to CENTER’s evolution!

Donations are being accepted through December 10 at 12pm MST. View the Success!

DECEMBER 10-11, 2020 • #ThisWayUp

We find ourselves in a transformed world as we near the end of 2020 and prepare to embark on a new year. In this transformation, many of us have leaned into the change and seized the opportunity to evolve into something greater. CENTER is embracing the challenges of 2020 to launch new initiatives to carry out our mission to support the advancement of photography and support the development of remarkable photographers despite this year’s challenges.

After 26 years CENTER has endured alongside our community of remarkable photographers, editors, collectors, journalists, curators, educators, funders, and so many diverse voices invested in the field of lens-based media and photographic practices. We will preserve the same integrity we have maintained throughout our history and build upon the standards of excellence we have established. We will also expand our capacities with new initiatives like the recently launched Photography 2020 Compendium and the alumni Mentorship program. The Awards, Grants, and Review Santa Fe programs will continue to be central to our new direction as we usher in this new era for CENTER.

We are pleased to present our new Mission, as well as our new initiatives, and we invite you to join us in this new momentum as we explore new ways of advancing the photographic arts together.

Don’t miss this opportunity to magnify your support x4! Donate and support CENTER so we can continue our work. We are accepting donations through December 18 at 12pm MST. View the Success!

DECEMBER 11-12, 2019 • #PhotographyForChange

Over the past 25 years, CENTER has focused on providing direct financial support and professional development programs to help photographers bring their work into the public eye and raise awareness around the issues that matter to them. Review Santa Fe, our flagship program, carries out that mission by acting as a bridge between meaningful work and an engaged audience.

In 2020, we are empowering photographers to raise awareness towards healing and change. Exploring how this medium is being used to empower people, especially vulnerable people, to reframe experiences and share their voices.

In 2019, CENTER dedicated more resources to public outreach to more fully connect our mission to the community in which we work. One of those ways was to connect our photographers and reviewers with the local youth, to learn how media can be used to share their voices and gain self-confidence through participatory practices. Please help us continue in our work as we build our mentorship program, Photographers-in-Schools, and other community outreach efforts.

Help us reach $35,000! Our first $20,000 in donations will be made possible by matches from our generous benefactors. Don’t miss this opportunity to magnify your support! The official campaign opens December 11, donate to be part of CENTER’s mission to empower photographers for change. View the success!

DECEMBER 5-6, 2018 • #RevealTheTruth

What’s truer than truth? The answer to this old Jewish proverb is – the story.

Great storytelling creates meaning that transcends language, bridging gaps among cultures, communities, and generations and connecting us to our common humanity. CENTER offers vibrant platforms, events, and opportunities for new and established photographic artists to reveal their truth while helping them make critical connections that advance their work.

Truth-telling has never been more important than right now. Partner with us today and be a force for change as we empower photographers with new opportunities to create images that profoundly affect minds, hearts, and lives.

Our first $15,000 in donations were made possible by quadruple matches from our generous benefactors. Don’t miss this opportunity to magnify your support!

Be part of CENTER’s mission to help Empower Photographers to Reveal Truths. View the Success!