© Gianmaria Gava


PhotoSummer is a collaborative initiative that represents and actively promotes historical and contemporary photography throughout New Mexico. Taking the rich legacy of photography in New Mexico as a point of departure, the exhibitions and public programs around PhotoSummer represent the continued energy and support of the photographic arts in the region.

Founded and initiated by the UNM Art Museum and 516 Arts, PhotoSummer in 2019 was organized by CENTER, and the American Society of Media Photographers in Santa Fe. It featured public programs focusing on photography that spans regional, national and international artists, curators and scholars. Showcasing the work of a diverse group of established and emerging artists whose work is strong in concept and in execution, this collaborative effort highlights New Mexico as a place where excellent photographic work is produced, taught, and exhibited, as well as where people from near and far gather around photography.

CENTER’s featured 2019 programming included the Summer Slide projection, The Big Reveal: Telling Truth in an Age of Fiction, in collaboration with the opening weekend of the Currents New Media Festival.

View more of CENTER's exhibitions hosted during PhotoSummer.


PhotoSummer programs are possible in part by the City of Santa Fe Arts Commission and the 1% Lodgers Tax –